- Eye Color: blue
- Hair Color: blond
- Height: 171 cm
- Weight: 65 kg
- Dress Size: 38 ( M )
- Shoe Size: 38
Rockshow with guitar!
(*27.03.1983) a girl, who plays electric-guitar on stage
and lecturer Sviatlana Paklina in musical schools, producer,
She is a famous artist from Belarus, who now lives in Berlin
and has ambitious to be recognized by a German audience.
Lasma dominates all facets of music. In addition to numerous
live performances she composes all the pieces herself and produced
her own videos (Projection mapping).
Thanks to terrific Joe Satriani at the age of 17 LASMA discovered
her love to electric guitar and since then she plays it passionately.
She graduated from ‘Shirokov Institute of Modern Knowledge’ in
Minsk, Belarus and is specialized in jazz. After her graduation she
was admired as one of the best solo E-guitarist of the country.
In 2007 she moved to Vilnius, Lithuania and
expanded their musical horizons. Since 2009 she
lives in Berlin and studied rock / pop. In 2012 LASMA’s
diploma was recognized in Germany with the
specialization for stage art, instrumental music,
teacher and music teacher LASMA is successful
as a musician, composer and teacher.
The main characteristics of LASMA play, both her
vocal melody lines as well as her solo passages, are often characterized by
the rapid, light legato and staccato, and the virtuoso use of tapping.
LASMA often uses the compositional or improvisational approach.
Also coming with her often artificial harmonics (also called
“pinch harmonics” /”artificial harmonics”) are used,
which are produced by a particular technique of the plectrum and the thumb,
which then modulates the Tremolo. The personal passion of versatile artist is
the rock, but it also conjures jazzy sounds and ballads from their guitars with
effects (pedal) such as delay, overdrive, etc. They dominated all facets
of music. Your guitar sound and played sensitively, based on Ambient, Pop-metal
to rock and electronic influences.
The music is created through harmony between body and soul.
- CSD 2024, Berlin
- Fête de la Musique. Berlin, DE 2024
- Real Film Berlin GmbH, DE 2023
- ZAV-Künstlervermittlung, DE 2023
- Deutsches Sportabzeichen in Silber. Berlin, DE 2023
- PINK.LIFE. Berlin, DE 2023
- Filmgesicht Agentur. Berlin, Germany 2022
- Schlagerolymp, Germany 2021
- Deutschlandfunk with Gesine Dornblüth, Berlin, DE 2020
- Music Kongress. Berlin, DE 2019
- Siegessäule Magazin. Berlin, DE 2017
- Feel Stil 2017. Berlin, DE
- Fête de la Musique. Berlin, DE 2017
- Zitty-das Wochenmagazin. Berlin, DE 2017
- Großen Saal FEZ an der Wuhlheide. Berlin, DE 2017
- Ein soziales Event für die Kältehilfe Berlin, DE 2017
- Pokal in Gold. Minsk, Belarus, 2016
- Artikel bei der Märkische Online-Zeitung, Potsdam, DE 2016
- Die Russische Zeitung “Berlin24” aus Berlin
- Arena Berlin
- Fest der Dt. Einheit. Brandenburger Tor, Berlin
- Europa Meisterschaft. Anton-Saefkow-Halle. 2015, Berlin
- Blank it Open Air
- Stadtfest Sangerhausen
- CSD 2012/2016 Finale Brandenburger Tor. Berlin
- CD Hoboken Songbook & friends Vol.1 Box-Set. Leipzig
- Stadtevent-Für Toleranz,Fremdenfreundlichkeit. Falkensee
- CD “Eins mit dem Beat” Produktion mit der Band Stellarockt. Berlin
- Palast der Republik Minsk. Weißrussland
- Konzertbühne TAMSTA. Vilnius,Litauen
- Volksfest Dożynki. Weißrussland
- Eigene CD “Mantra” Produktion, Minsk, Weißrussland
- Finalistin des Wettbewerbs Muzzon Drive , Minsk, Belarus
- Internationale Festspiele der Gitarrenspieler «Grifomanija 2003/2004», Minsk, Belarus
- Republikanisches Festival der modernen Musik «Die neuen Töne der Welt» (Urkunde) , Minsk, Belarus
- «Blackmoor» Festival, Minsk, Belarus
- Bezirksfestival der jungen Musiker. (Urkunde), Minsk, Belarus
- Festival der besten Gitarristinnen von Belarus «Spadarynja gitary», Minsk, Belarus
- Stadtfestival der Unterhaltungskunst für junge Musiker «Belaja Rus`». (Urkunde), Minsk, Belarus
- Teilnahme in der ersten Wettbewerbsrunde für Teilnahme am Eurovision Songcontest mit der Band «Belorusskie Ljavony». Belarus, Minsk
- Solokonzerte mit Elektrogitarre im Ion- und Feuershowtheater, «Elemental». (Urkunde 1.Platz)
- Wettbewerb im Theater für Unterhaltungskunst der jungen Musiker «Die neue Welle». Belarus, Minsk
- Teilnahme am Wettbewerb «Der Pädagoge des Jahres». (Urkunde), Minsk, Belarus
- Titelblatt für bekanntes Belarussisches Magazin “Welt der Kosmetik Bielita “ , Minsk, Belarus
- Teilnahme am Wettbewerb-Festival «Junge Musiker Deutschlands»
lasma 2025 ©